Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Two-word Pile-ups

When the tech stock bubble burst in 2000, we saw one silver lining: that the irrationally exuberant marketing people would stop crashing two words together and calling them one.

But we see they've been hired to write copy for the Veronica Mars Web site:

We will love you, regardless of your spelling and grammar. But we thought you should know never mind is two words. Note the copy on your Web site:

"Nevermind the Buttocks"
Tuesday, April 18, 9PM ET/PT
When Veronica decides to take on a case to find the person who ran over a Neptune senior’s dog, she is taken aback by the startling facts she uncovers.

Never mind is two words. Never mind that Kurt Cobain got away with slamming them together. You saw how it ended for him, God rest his tortured soul.

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