Monday, September 21, 2009

National Punctuation Day


National Punctuation Day is Thursday; how will you celebrate?

SPOGG's planning to use every punctuation mark from A-Z in this post, something that seemed like a good idea a few minutes ago, but now seems sort of silly--especially after the blatant exclamation-point-abuse in our opening sentence. "Did we really start a post with OMG," we wonder.

A quick review of the punctuation marks we've highlighted thus far: exclamation point, semicolon, question mark, apostrophe, en-dash, comma, em-dash, quotation marks, hyphen, colon... and now ellipsis. What are we missing?

Oh, that's right. The virgule. A punctuation mark/50-cent word. Happy National Punctuation Day!

Do let us know if we've forgotten anything. It is Monday, after all.

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